January 24 - Update
Test Hole / Main Crew: Monday, 1/27 – Main Street Test holes during the day in a lane shift 9am to 2pm. Tuesday – Friday – Install main at night on Main Street, between 8:00 pm and 5:00 am. The detour will be off of Main Street.
January 17 - Update
Two Crews will be in the area Tuesday through Friday. No work will occur Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Daytime work will occur with lane shifts and Main Street parking limited. Click here to locate Somerville’s Parking Lots for access to Main Street businesses.
Service Crew/Tie Pit Crew 1 This crew will be scattered in the district working from 7am to 3pm.
Test Hole Crew 1 Test hole work will continue with a lane shift at W. Main Street. Traffic plans for this crew will continue during daytime hours 9am to 2pm.
January 10 - Update
Main Crew 1 Monday – Friday – W. Main Street / Rt. 28 (Near N. Bridge Street) – Main Street traffic will operate with a lane shift for crews to conduct test holes from 9am to 2pm. Traffic plan will start set up at 8am.
If a customer has any questions or issues, please call the Gas Construction customer hotline: 1-833-661-6400 or the gasworks email, [email protected].
What is Happening on Main Street?
PSE&G is continuing an ongoing project, replacing the main gas lines throughout Somerville. This is the final phase of the project taking place on Main Street and Division Street.
- Contractors will be working Monday through Friday in the evenings on Main Street from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.
- Begins Monday, January 13 with work continuing weekly through March and April. The goal is to have this completely finished and paved before the Tour of Somerville Bike Race on Memorial Day.
While construction is underway, the project zone being worked on at that time will be closed to vehicular traffic and on-street parking. However, pedestrian access to all businesses will be maintained. Detours will be put in place as construction begins.
Individual gas service to each business and residence will be connected at different times throughout the next few months. PSE&G will be reaching the contact on your account to schedule this service. If you are not this contact, please communicate with your landlord to ensure these details are coordinated so project work can run smoothly.
Social Media Asset Links
Click the image you would like to use to get to a template link via Canva. Feel free to modify the images with your logo and business name. Please do not change any information that might be relevant to the project to avoid confusion.
What is the DSA Doing to Help?
The Downtown Somerville Alliance, in partnership with PSE&G and the Borough of Somerville are working to support businesses during construction through various initiatives.
These include:
- Providing businesses with signage for social media usage.
- Identify key parking hubs and alternative routes for business access.
- Provide a landing page on our website for project updates, FAQ, map of affected areas, Social media assets, and business resources.
- Installing sidewalk wayfinding decals to promote walkability on Main Street.
- Using A-Frame signage in the district to promote businesses are open during construction.
- Conduct giveaways and other promotions to support ongoing visits to the district, including but not limited to enhanced advertising campaigns and added shopping events.
This is part of an effort to ensure customer traffic and revenue are maintained during construction.

Click the parking map and save to your computer. Feel free to use this image with your customers to guide them to various parking lots in the district. DSA is printing additional signs for way finding from the lots to downtown businesses!